
產品展示 / products 您的位置:網站首頁 > 產品展示 > 美國品牌 > 美國NUMATICS紐曼蒂克 > 美國紐曼蒂克(numatics)圓形氣缸 numatics
美國紐曼蒂克(numatics)圓形氣缸 numatics

美國紐曼蒂克(numatics)圓形氣缸 numatics

簡要描述:美國紐曼蒂克(numatics)圓形氣缸 numatics缸兩邊都是空心的活塞桿內的永磁鐵帶動活塞桿外的另個磁體(運動部件)我想說的是它對清潔度要求蠻高的我們的磁偶的無桿氣缸經常要拆下來汽油清洗可能與它的工作環境有關吧。

  • 更新時間:2024-12-07
  • 產品型號:
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 所屬分類:美國NUMATICS紐曼蒂克
  • 產品廠地:杭州市
  • 訪問次數:1797

美國紐曼蒂克(numatics)圓形氣缸 numatics詳情如下:


格比,歡迎訂購!!! (含稅17%)!

美國紐曼蒂克(numatics)圓形氣缸 numaticsL01SA4592000060、 L01SA4592000061、 L01SA4594G00020、L01SA4594G00030、
L01SA4594G00040 、L01SA4594G00060 、L01SA4594G00061、 L01SA4594000020
、L01SA4594000030 、L01SA4594000040 、L01SA4594000060、 L01SA4594000061
、L01SA459OG00020、 L01SA459OG00030 、L01SA459OG00040 、L01SA459OG00060
、L01SA459OG00061、L12BA452OG12A30、 L12BA452OG12A40、 L12BA452OG12A60
、L12BA452OG12A61 、L12BA452OG12B20、 L12BA452OG12B30
、L12BA452OG12B40、L12BA452O000020 、L12BA452O000030、 L12BA452O000040
、L12BA452BG17G20 、L12BA452BG17G30 、L12BA452BG17G60
、L21BA552BG00020、081SA43AMG00061 、081SA43AMG11Z20 、081SA43AMG00060
、081SA43AM000061 、081SA43AM012A20 、081SA63CK011B60 、081SA5252000020...
 081SS6014G11Z40 081SA425MG11B40 081SA43AK012B60 081SA625K012B61 081SS6254012A40
● Valves can also be supplied with EPDM (ethylene-propylene), CR (chloroprene) and PTFE seals
and discs. Use the appropriate optional suffix letter for identification
● Encapsulated, EEx m, for hazardous locations according to “ATEX/CENELEC” and national standards
● Plug with visual indication and with peak voltage suppression or with cable length of 2m
● Valves are suitable for sub-base gangmounting and can be supplied with manifolds up to 4, 8 or 12 valves, if requested
● The valves can be mounted in any position without affecting operation
● 2 mounting holes are provided in the body
● Pipe connection identifier is: G = (ISO 228/1)
● Installation/maintenance instructions are included with each valve
l A rugged flameproof solenoid operator conforming to European CENELEC
Explosion Protection Standards EN 50014 and EN 50018, EEx d
l The solenoid is certified by the British Approvals Service for Equipment in
Flammable Atmospheres (BASEEFA)
l The operator is available as pull and push type solenoid and can be
installed on certain normally open and normally closed valves
l The enclosure is of the direct cable entry construction and is waterproof IP65
Solenoid enclosure Expoxy coated cast iron (BS1452 GR17
Bonnet Steel (zinc plated)
Cover screws Stainless steel
Safety code EEx d IIC T3/T4/T5/T6
美國紐曼蒂克(numatics)圓形氣缸 numatics


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